01 Sep Why should you fall in love with wardrobe storage?
Recently, we have seen a huge uplift in our customers wanting to store their clothes! Whether it be a few vacuum bags of seasonal jackets or even an entire wardrobe, here at Hills Self Storage we believe that we are fully equipped to handle all of you wardrobe storage needs!
Safe as houses
When storing precious items such as wedding dresses or a pair a really expensive trainers, you may be apprehensive about storing away from home. At Hills, we pride ourselves on providing superb security on personal storage. Our state-of-the-art security systems, PIN controlled access and 24hour CCTV give you peace of mind that your priceless belongings are safe and sound around the clock. Furthermore, each unit comes with a personal padlock for added protection!
Dealing with delicates
There are some staple pieces that can hang in your wardrobe all year round, but the likelihood of actually wearing that lace trimmed camisole in freezing February is low at best. Autumn is the perfect time to dry clean your delicates and pack them away for the winter. Once cleaned, vacuum storage is the perfect way to protect your clothes as it removes air and prevents mould growth. It also reduces the size of items which is good news when it comes to storage space. If you don’t want your items to be creased, then simply hang in a sealed clothes bag in a clean, dry storage unit.
Flexible storage solutions
Just found some incredible items for next season on sale? No problem. Hills offer fully flexible storage, so if you need to increase the size of your unit or the length of your contract you can do so. The beauty of using Hills is that you also have access to your unit 24/7. This means that should you decide to wear that camisole on New Year’s Eve you can still get to it quickly and easily. We have an amazing selection of units for you to choose from, all with varying access; from basement drive in storage to mezzanine storage with access via a wide lift we really do have the perfect unit for you!
But as you know, at Hills we don’t stop there! We can even help you organise your space with racking options for your boxes and bags. Just get in touch with our team to discuss how we can help you.
For more information please call us on 01206 625045 or email colchester@hills-selfstorage.co.uk